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The Road to Recovery

Two baby Sea-Monkeys appear in the Magic Castle tank.
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Teaming with sea monkeys on Saturday morning 04/14/2001.
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I purchased a plant bulb for the floresent lamp that I have been using in an effort to promote the growth of green algea. I need to get a few more stick-on aquarium thermometers for the other tanks. Right now we have two tanks going, the Ghostly Galleon and the Magic Castle. The castle tank is three days old now and it is just teaming with new Sea-Monkeys and they are now big enough to be seen easily. The Galleon tank is now in serious but stable condition. There are a few small Sea-Monkeys left and one medium sized male. I have been giving them lots of love and special attention and they seem to be on the road to recovery. We may even transfer some of the Sea-Monkeys from the castle tank after they get a little bigger. Hopefully we will have two thriving colonies of Sea-Monkeys barring accidents. I am preparing an order to Transcience for a care package containing Sea-Medic, Red Vitamins, Super Food, and Gro-Kwickly.



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