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Official Web Sites

  1. Sea-Monkey Central
  2. ExploraToy

Prime Information Sources

  1. Sea-Monkey Worship Page
  2. Sea-Monkey Mania
  3. MonkeyFUN
  4. Unofficial Sea-Monkeys Page
  5. Sea-Monkey Owner's Page
  6. The NetFysh

Humor and Weirdness

  1. JT's Home Away From C:\ - The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys
  2. The Awful Truth about Sea-Monkeys and Badge Engineering (Editors note: O... K...)
  3. Sea Monkeys
  4. Mr. Happy's Sea-Monkeys
  5. Sea-Monkey Fraud
  6. Sea Monkey Global Colonization Project
  7. Sea Monkeys

The Best of the Rest

  1. Sea-Monkeys at Yesterdayland
  2. Nitro's Sea-Monkey Paradise
  3. Darya's Sea Monkeys
  4. Pete's Sea Monkeys
  5. Sea-Monkeys on the World Wide Web
  6. The Web's ONLY Dodecahedracam

Comic Book Ads and Other Fun

  1. Super Marketing: Ads from the comic books
  2. Classic Comic Ads
  3. Bad Comic Book Ads
  4. More Bad Comic Book Ads!
  5. Comic Book Snake Oil Ads
  6. 15 Comic Book Ads That Will Make You a Bully
  7. 15 Worst Comic Characters to Spend the Apocolypse With

Online Retailers

  1. Sea Monkey Station Aboyd.Com
  2. Fun For All Toys
  3. Toy Lodge
  4. Cornells Hardware
  5. Top Hat Toys

Bill's World Wide Boutique

    Doctor Who - Temporal Intervetion

    Crow's Godzilla Emporium

    KISS - Temple of the Elder


Sea-Monkeys®, Instant Life®, Instant Pets®, Ocean-Zoo®, Sea-Circus® and the official Sea-Monkey hatching logo are trademarks of the Transcience Corporation and registered with U.S. and foreign patent offices -- all rights reserved. Sea-Monkeys are distributed by ExploraToy, a division of Educational Insights. Site best viewed at 1024x768.