In their few years of releasing Godzilla toys and merchandies, Trendmasters became during their
prime the source of goods for North American collectors. Having already released more product
than any company outside of Japan, Trendmasters acquired the license to issue toys for the
Tristar Godzilla release as well, further cementing their place as a major Godzilla toy producer.
Trendmasters released figures in several different packaging variations. It can be a real challenge
for a collector to try and get all the package different variations. The major lines in the Classic
Godzilla series have been King of the Monsters and Godzilla Wars. A Doom Island line was prototyped,
but never saw a day of light in the US except in very limited quantities through a web site contest.
More Doom Island figures and sets turned up in Hong Kong.
© 1998 Trendmasters, Inc.